OBJECTIVES: PSA is a frequently used marker in the daily clinical practice for the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer. We analysed the use of PSA in our health department in patients with and without prostate cancer diagnosis.METHODS: The registry of all PSA petitions in our health department during 2011 and 2012 was used. Demographic data were used to establish each year’s population and the data corresponding to the prevalence of prostate cancer patients, performing a descriptive study. Thus, the use of PSA in patients with or without prostate cancer was studied.RESULTS: 25.700 PSA petitions are issued annually in our department over a total of 67.000 males older than 45. This entails a cost of 332.815 Euros annually. Within the group of patients with no prostate cancer diagnosis, it was noticed that the percentage of individuals with at least one annual PSA petition per decade of age is of 23% in males in their fifties, 40% in their sixties, 46% in their seventies, and 36% in their eighties or successive decades. Furthermore, in these cancer-free patients, around 3.800 annual petitions fall on individuals over 75 and with PSA under 4 ng/ml, from which 20% are repeated petitions over the same individual in the same year. Over 1100 males under 45 have an annual PSA. Regarding the average PSA value for decade of age in cancer-free patients, it is of 0.89 +/- 0.4ng/ml in the forties decade, 1.26 +/- 1.07 ng/ml in the fifties, 1.67 +/- 1.38 ng/ml in the sixties, 1.96 +/- 1.78 ng/ml in the seventies, and 2.24 +/- 2.16 ng/ml in the eighties. We ascertained, also, that for every 144 PSA petitions one prostate cancer case is diagnosed. Regarding the use of this marker in cancer patients, 1.800 petitions are destined to patients follow up annually, and over 200 fall on the newly diagnosed cases.CONCLUSIONS: Even though annually less than 50% of males get PSA petitions in any decade of age, its use is sometimes incorrect, including repeated petitions in a short period of time or in individuals of extreme age
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the results of patients treated with Radical Prostatectomy (RP) and Brachytherapy for low- and intermediate-risk localized prostate cancer and to determine the Biochemical Recurrence (BCR) risk according to the treatment performed.METHODS: The study included 129 patients treated with iodine-125 seeds Brachytherapy, 98 patients treated with Laparoscopic RP (LRP), and 61 patients treated with Robotic RP (RRP) at our institution between December 1999 and January 2010, who had a low-risk disease according to D’Amico criteria (PSA <10 ng/mL, Gleason < or = 6, cT1c-T2a), or an intermediate-risk disease (PSA = or >10 and < 20 ng/mL, Gleason = 7, cT2b), but with a tumor burden of up to 30%. Follow-up was conducted with PSA at 1, 3, and 6 months, and then every six months. As for Brachytherapy, annual digital rectal examinations were also performed. A PSA level increase of 2 ng/mL above the nadir in Brachytherapy (confirmed in 2 cases) and a PSA value greater than 0.2 ng/mL after RP were considered BCR.RESULTS: Overall mean follow-up was 60.5 months (R:1-152), with a mean time for BCR of 51.7 months (R:1-138). Estimated 5-year Biochemical Recurrence-free Survival (BCRFS) in patients with D’Amico low-risk was 85.7%, 77.2% and 90.7% (p 0.336), while for intermediate-risk it was 75.8%, 68.1% and 65.1% (p 0.114), for Brachytherapy, LRP and RRP respectively. In the univariate analysis, the Gleason score 7, a clinical stage T2b, and a D’Amico intermediate-risk were associated with an increased BCR risk, and treatment with Brachytherapy was associated with a decreased BCR risk, all these being statistically significant. In the multivariate analysis, only the Gleason score 7 was significant; treatment with LRP, RRP or Brachytherapy was not associated with a greater BCR risk.CONCLUSION: Brachytherapy and Laparoscopic or Robotic Radical Prostatectomy showed no difference in terms of Biochemical Recurrence risk in patients treated for low-risk or intermediate-risk tumors, with low tumor volume.
OBJECTIVES: To improve the rates ofsurgical activity and average waiting times for surgery,and to optimize the number of surgical indications in theUrology Department of a Regional Hospital.METHODS: A study and analysis of the surgicalactivity and different indexes in 2014 was performedcomparing the first half of the year and the second half after implementation of improvement measures. Studyvariables: operating room occupancy rate, averagehospital stay, cancellations, surgical complexity, averagenumber of surgeries per operative room, average globalwaiting time and waiting time by 120 and 180 daysguarantee decrees following the Junta de Andalucíastandards.RESULTS: In comparison with the first half of 2014, inthe second half the operating room occupancy rateincreased from 79% to 85%, the average stay decreasedfrom 6 to 3 days, and a decrease in cancellations from9% to 6% was observed. Moreover, a decrease in themean waiting times was observed for surgeries subjectto both the 120 days and 180 days guarantee decreeand a decrease in the number of surgical indications inurology through the implementation of protocols basedon clinical practice guidelines.CONCLUSIONS: Despite the limitations of the study,and being a small Department in a district hospital, weobserved that optimization of resources, implementationof protocols, and clinical pathways can improve andoptimize different indicators of surgical activity
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of Thermochemotherapy in adjuvant treatment of primary high risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer in our center.METHODS: The study included 26 patients with an age of 51-78 years (mean: 62.4 years). All patients had transurethral tumor resection (TURB) after being diagnosed with a primary bladder tumor and were pathologically diagnosed with non-muscle invasive urothelial carcinoma. Thermochemotherapy (TCT) applications were performed via the Synergo® system SB-TS 101.Arch. Esp. Urol. 2015; 68 (8): 666-671RESULTS: Of the study participants, 13 patients had T1 Grade III, six patients had T1Grade III CIS (+), four patients had Ta Grade III, and three patients Ta Grade II multiple > 5cm tumor. In all patients, six weeks plus six months protocol were completed. All patients completed the follow-up protocol. With a median follow-up time of 16.4 months (range: 6 - 48 months), recurrent urothelial carcinoma was identified in three patients. With a median follow-up time of 16.4 months, the recurrence-free survival was 88.4% in 26 patients included in the study.CONCLUSIONS: The obtained data suggest that the TCT method can be used effectively and safely in non-muscle invasive bladder cancers of primary high-risk. Prospective randomized studies will shed light on this subject which are BCG vs TCT in primary high risk patients and second course BCG vs TCT in the BCG insufficient patients.
OBJECTIVE: Testicular epidermoid cyst is a rare clinical entity that accounts for 1% of testicular neoplasias.METHODS AND RESULTS: We report two cases of testicular epidermoid cysts in a 18 and 19 year old males with a painless testicular lesion. Testicular US was carried out showing a hypoechoic nodule in both cases. With the suspicion of testicular neoplasm inguinal orchiectomy was carried out with placement of testicular prostheses in the same act. The pathology report was testicular epidermoid cyst in both cases.CONCLUSIONS: Testicular epidermoid cysts are an uncommon benign entity. When there is a suspicion of this diagnosis, based on tumor markers and ultrasound or MRI images, testicular parenchyma-sparing surgery must be attempted.
OBJECTIVE: To contribute to the literature with three unusual cases of primary breast tumor with metastasis to the urinary bladder.METHODS: Presentation of the three clinical cases and bibliographic review.RESULTS: Three women, with an average age of 49.3 years, were diagnosed with invasive lobular breast carcinoma. Two of them suffered from hematuria after being diagnosed with breast cancer. The third patient was diagnosed incidentally after a routine CT scan. Upon diagnosis of the bladder metastases, they already had metastasis in other locations. The treatment of the three cases was palliative. The cause of death was due to additional pathologies. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of bladder metastases due to breast cancer is infrequent. The appearance of urinary tract symptoms in these patients requires a diagnostic study in order to rule out metastases